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Government of Sri Lanka issued a new notification stipulating temporary import controls for certain goods on May 22, 2020 as an interim measure to minimize the domestic economic impact of COVID 19.
Government of Sri Lanka has notified revision of a Special Commodity Levy (SCL) under 20 Harmonized System (HS) headings; the notification is effective for 6 months, beginning May 22.
The government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) has enacted stringent measures to counter the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Sri Lanka: Grain and Feed Annual

In MY 2020/21 Sri Lanka expects a healthy rice paddy harvest with a forecast of 4.4 million metric tons. The MY 2019/20 harvest would surpass the national target for self-sufficiency.
Government of Sri Lanka has notified revision of a Special Commodity Levy on imported fruits under 4 Harmonized System (HS) headings; the notification is effective for 2 months, beginning April 17
On March 19, Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) declared a partial shutdown of all ports and a nationwide lock-down since March 20.
Government of Sri Lanka has notified temporary suspension of import of commodities under 156 Harmonized System (HS) headings from April 16 to July 15, 2020.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Slovakia: New Slovak Minister of Agriculture

The new Slovak Minister of Agriculture, Jan Micovsky, is an anti-corruption activist from the elections winning party, the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities (OLaNO). Micovsky is known...
In an attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19, on March 20 the Sri Lankan Government’s (GOSL) Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH) issued a notice to importers which restricts the...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Slovakia: Exporter Guide

Slovakia is a prosperous, industrialized, and export-driven economy located in the center of Europe.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-27+UK: Poultry and Products Semi-annual

EU-27+UK chicken meat production is expected to increase slightly again in 2020 driven by both domestic and export demand.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Sri Lanka: Agricultural Biotechnology Report

Sri Lanka does not produce genetically engineered (GE) crops or animals.