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Larger harvested area and improved economic conditions are expected to increase corn production in 2021/22 to 12
2021/2022 Paraguayan soybean production is projected at 10
The Philippines is the largest market for U.S. soybean meal (SBM) and the world’s top coconut oil (CNO) exporter.
In marketing year 2020/21, wheat production is forecast up to 1
Sugar production in marketing year (MY) 21 is estimated at 815,000 metric tons (MT), while production for MY20 has increased to 809,000 MT
Singapore’s highly import dependent, multi-billion-dollar food industry is driven by robust consumer spending, high disposable incomes, and intense urbanization
Croatia provides a unique opportunity for U.S. wine exporters to position their product.
On April 8, 2021, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) notified the U
The gradual economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to continue to drive up import demand for soybeans in MY2020/21 and MY2021/22
Serbia’s Marketing Year (MY) 2021/22 wheat area is forecast at 600,000 hectares (HA), 5 percent higher than the previous year
Post projects milled rice production for market year (MY) 2021/22 at 600,000 metric tons (MT); a five percent increase from the prior year estimate
Bosnia and Herzegovina's (BiH) wood industry has historically been one of the strongest sectors of its economy