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South Africa is one of the most advanced and diverse economies in Africa. With a population of almost 54 million people, the country is an attractive business destination.
In 2014 Agriculture contributed about 10% to the Gross Domestic Product in Zimbabwe.
Australian sugar production is projected to reach five million tonnes in 2015/16 assuming that average seasonal conditions prevail.
MY2014/15 and MY2015/16 sugar production will remain steady at 10.8 million metric tons. More sugarcane and raw sugar is being used for ethanol while world sugar prices trend downward.
FAS/Moscow increased its forecast of Russian sugar beet production in 2015 from the April 2015 forecast by 1 million metric tons (MMT) to 39 MMT.
Zambia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa and can be credited with political stability and strong economic growth in the last decade.
China is a major producer of sugar, the largest importer, and the third largest consumer of sugar in the world.
The EU sugar production for food for MY 2015/16 is forecast at 16.1 million MT, down from 16.750 million MT in MY 2014/15.
Two Mexican companies filed a request in April 2015 to initiate an anti-dumping investigation on imported U.S. fructose.
On September 7, 2015, SAE published an announcement in the Diario Oficial (Federal Register) containing the public tender for the last five state-owned sugar mills.
Turkey is forecast to produce 2.3 million metric tons (MMT) of sugar in marketing year (MY) 2015/16 from a planted area of 300,000 hectares.
Mozambique’s agricultural sector is characterized mainly by subsistence farming, with commercial lands focusing mainly on sugar, tobacco, cotton and cashew nuts.