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On August 28, 2021, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply (MAPA) began accepting the new Export Certificate model for U.S. exports of beef, beef products, and bovine offal into Brazil.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Cotton and Products Update

Mexico’s textile industry has rapidly recovered from dramatic effects due to COVID-19 and the global slowdown for cotton products during the first half of 2020.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Cotton and Products Update

Despite lower area, 2021/22 production is forecast to reach 5.3 million bales, an 18 percent increase over the disappointing 2020/21 crop.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Rice Trade - Monthly

This report provides trade data on Vietnam's monthly rice exports by grade and destination and weekly export quotes for rice by grade.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Brazil: Livestock and Products Annual

Post forecasts that the cattle herd will grow four percent in 2021 and 2022, while beef production is forecast to decrease six percent in 2021, reaching 9.5 million tons Carcass Weight Equivalent (CWE), but increase two percent in 2022.
On July 15, 2021, Egypt’s Minister of Trade and Industry (MTI) signed Decree No. 322/2021. The decree renewed an earlier decision that extended the shelf-life validity period for imported frozen fish from six to nine months and of frozen beef liver from seven to ten months.
On August 17, 2021, the European Commission (EC) approved seven genetically engineered (GE) crops (3 corn, 2 soybean, 1 rapeseed, and 1 cotton) and renewed the authorizations for two corn and one rapeseed crop used for food and animal feed.
On August 24, 2021, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry published a directive in the Gazette of India Extraordinary that will officially permit India to import 1.2 million metric tons (MMT) of soybean meal and soy cake derived from genetically engineered (GE) soybeans through October 31, 2021.
On July 30, 2021, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) published on its website the Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Third Amendment Regulations (2021).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Burma: Rice Trade - Monthly

Post forecasts lower rice exports in August due to the closure of all border checkpoints along the Burma-China border and poor demand from African and EU countries.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Thailand: Rice Price - Weekly

Export prices of all grades of rice increased 2-5 percent due to new inquiries and the strengthening of the Thai baht.
Sri Lanka's National Plant Quarantine Service (NPQS) (national authority) has revised wheat grains import regulations. Previously the national authority had issued a blanket approval for the import of wheat for flour milling for human consumption.