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The Philippines' declining production of lumber and other wood products cannot meet the country’s growing demand for residential, commercial, and public construction projects.
Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) is seeking public comment on proposed revisions to its Food Labeling Standards, including two related to agricultural biotechnology. CAA proposes the addition of processed food containing genetically engineered...
In MY2021/22, as production bounces back from decline caused by heavy rain during the MY2020/21 harvest, Post projects that table grape production will increase by 22 percent, totaling 805,000 metric tons. FAS Santiago expects exports to also increase by 22.9 percent, reaching 645,000MT.
The Mexican dairy market continues to offer growth potential to both U.S. exporters and domestic producers. Despite pandemic-related economic shocks in 2020, the dairy sector has proven resilient.
This report provides trade data on Vietnam's monthly rice exports by grade and destination and weekly export quotes for rice by grade.
This report identifies certificate requirements for U.S. food and agricultural products destined for the United Arab Emirates.
This report covers food and agricultural import regulations and standards in the United Arab Emirates.
Rice export prices of all grades of rice remained unchanged as the strengthening Thai baht was offset by reduced domestic rice prices.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) recently updated Importer Attestation Form 5961, which is required for shipments of romaine lettuce from the California counties of Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, San Benito, and Monterey.
On October 26, 2021, Henryk Kowalczyk was appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Seeking to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus through imported foods, the Hong Kong government has been testing chilled and frozen foods and their packaging.
This report outlines the major export certificates required by the Government of Jamaica for imports of food and agricultural products.