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This report contains information related to the process of self-registering as an overseas manufacturer of imported food as specified in the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC) Decree 248.
Japan invites public comments on the newly developed Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS) for textured soy protein products. Textured Soy Protein Products include soy meat (soybean-based alternative meat products with no animal-derived ingredients)...
Mexico's new certification requirements for bulk/raw organic product imports will enter into force on January 1, 2022.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: GACC Issues Interpretation of Decree 248

This report contains an unofficial English translation of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC) Interpretation of Decree 248 as published on the GACC website.
Japan opened the public comment for newly developed Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS) for wood pellet fuel. Comments are due to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries by December 9, 2021.
In late October, Swedish authorities detected the presence of Newcastle disease among laying hens on a farm in Lekeberg, Örebro county. The 7,500 animals on the infected farm will be culled and the farm will be decontaminated.
On Saturday, November 6, Mexico's National Service for Agricultural Health, Food Safety, and Agri-Quality (SENASICA) published on its website the Phytosanitary Requirement Sheet (HRF by its Spanish acronym) for U.S. potato imports to the entirety of Mexico.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Port Braves Continuing Pressure

Despite disruptions to the global supply chain and worldwide container shortage, the Hong Kong port maintains normal operations.
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Infographic: It All Adds Up!

FY2021 agricultural exports reach record levels.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Australia: Exporter Guide

Australia is a prosperous and industrialized nation with a stable economy. Underpinning Australia's strong economy is its open and transparent trade and investment environment, and trade and economic links with emerging economies, particularly in Asia.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

Grape exports are forecast to reach a record of 510,000 metric tons (MT) in marketing year (MY) 2021/2022, six percent higher than the previous year.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

The Philippines is a regional biotechnology leader, highlighted by its passage in 2021 of Golden Rice for commercial propagation and Bt eggplant for direct use.