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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Grain and Feed Update

Wheat production for Marketing Year (MY) 2019/20 is revised upward based on favorable weather conditions and water supplies in Mexico's main producing state.
FAS Cairo (Post) forecasts Egypt’s wheat production in marketing year (MY) 2020/2021 (July-June) to reach 8.9 million metric tons (MMT), up by almost 1.5 percent compared to 8.77 MMT...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

India: India Grain Voluntary - September 2020

On August 19, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (MoAFW) raised the Indian crop year (ICY) 2019/20 (July-June) grain production estimate to a record 296.7 million metric tons...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Thailand: Grain and Feed Update

MY2020/21 rice production is revised down to 18.6 million metric tons due to limited water supplies.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

India: Grain and Feed Update

The early advance of the southwest monsoon and sufficient well-spread rains through July across the country have supported a significantly faster pace of sowing (18 percent increase over last year)...
In the 2020/21 MY, Zambia produced its second highest corn crop on record. This bumper corn crop of 3.4 million tons is 69 percent higher than the previous season’s crop of 2.0 million tons.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Grain and Feed Update

Wheat production for marketing year (MY) 2020/21 is forecast at 20 million tons on reduced planted area.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Grain and Feed Update

Crop conditions look normal overall, which indicate optimistic forecasts for Algeria’s MY2020/21 grain crop.
International Agricultural Trade Report

U.S. Sorghum Prices Rally with China’s Return to the Market

China’s announcement of tariff exclusions following the Phase One agreement had an immediate impact on U.S. sorghum exports mainly because of the sheer volume China purchases and its effect on prices.
Late spring and early summer precipitation marginally improved Romanian winter grains development, but provided spring crops a good start.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Grain and Feed Update

Indonesia’s wheat imports are forecast to decline to 10.6 million tons due to lower food consumption as a result of Covid-19 restrictions and less feed demand due to lower broiler meat production...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bulgaria: Grain and Feed Market Update

Bulgaria’s wheat and barley harvests are underway and farmers are reporting lower than expected yields and inconsistent quality.