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Presenters at the 2018 China Forage Conference noted that China is seeking to balance domestic forage production, imports and environmental protection goals, while also maintaining meat, poultry....
In January 2019, China approved five new genetically engineered traits and renewed the bio-safety certificates for 26 traits previously approved.
China’s food regulatory regime continues to evolve. In 2017, China issued numerous new regulations and measures to reflect the requirements introduced under the 2015 Food Safety Law.
From January 2018 to late October 2018, China auctioned more than 100 million tons of corn from its state-owned inventories, or about 43 million tons more than over the same period in 2017....
Overall MY2018/19 corn quality in North East China is rated as better-than-average due to higher-than-average test weights, lower moisture content and relatively low levels of aflatoxin.
Corn prices have steadily risen reflecting overall tightness in feed-quality corn supplies, despite official reports of greater supplies, and weaker demand associated with the spread....
In March 2018, the Chinese State Council announced a governmental reorganization aimed at improving efficiency and customer service.
Harvest is underway for spring/summer crops. The 2018/19 corn production forecast is lowered as weather and pest-related stress reduced yield potential.
Overall grain production is expected to fall in MY2018/19 due to weather-stress and a flurry of domestic support and trade policy developments.
On March 16, 2018, China notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of the draft Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Aflatoxin Contamination in Food, as SPS/N/CHN/1068.
China’s agricultural policy-makers manage the dual mandate of ensuring national food security while pursuing poverty alleviation targets, which aim to raise rural incomes....
On April 4, 2018, the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and Ministry of Finance (MOF) separately announced a proposal to levy retaliatory tariffs of 25 percent....