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Crop conditions look normal overall, which indicate optimistic forecasts for Algeria’s MY2020/21 grain crop.
China’s announcement of tariff exclusions following the Phase One agreement had an immediate impact on U.S. sorghum exports mainly because of the sheer volume China purchases and its effect on prices.
Late spring and early summer precipitation marginally improved Romanian winter grains development, but provided spring crops a good start.
Indonesia’s wheat imports are forecast to decline to 10.6 million tons due to lower food consumption as a result of Covid-19 restrictions and less feed demand due to lower broiler meat production...
Bulgaria’s wheat and barley harvests are underway and farmers are reporting lower than expected yields and inconsistent quality.
Hot and dry weather in May and heavy rains in June caused slight yield and quality losses in wheat and barley in some regions.
For MY 2020/2021, Mexico’s wheat production estimate is revised downward as a result of both smaller harvested area and a government price support program that incentivized a shift in planting...
South Africa produced its second highest corn crop in history in the 2019/20 MY. This 16.1 million-ton bumper crop has suppressed local corn prices, and is expected to continue...
Latest official data show a small decline (-0.3 percent) of Austrian arable crops acreage in 2020 compared to the previous year.
Total Polish wheat, rye, mixed grains, triticale, barley, corn, and oat production in marketing year (MY) 2020/21 will reach 30.7 million metric tons (MMT), a 6.3-percent increase over MY 2019/20.
Post maintains its corn production forecast for market year (MY) 2019/20 (March 2020 – February 2021) at 100 MMT, based on poor yields in the southern states of Rio Grande do Sul and Parana...
Guatemala is close to being self-sufficient in white corn production, and harvested area continues growing. Guatemala is a net rice importer, and harvested area is shrinking.