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Taiwan's economy is booming with the GDP forecasted to increase 4.42 percent in 2022. In 2021, Taiwan imported $3.93 billion worth of agricultural and food products from the US, making it the 6th largest market for U.S. agricultural products.
Rice export prices increased 4-5 percent due to concerns about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
With over 1,800 facilities, the Israeli food processing sector is an important player in the domestic economy. In 2020, Israeli food processors' annual revenue stood at $19.26 billion while the beverage and tobacco industry's annual revenue was $2.42 billion.
On May 2020, the European Commission announced a revision of the legislative framework for Geographical Indications (GIs) as part of the European Union (EU) Green Deal’s Farm to Fork Strategy.
FAS Tokyo projects Japan’s overall demand for feed grain to remain robust in MY2021/22 and MY2022/23 as livestock production expands. FAS Tokyo anticipates corn imports to decrease in MY2021/22 and MY2022/23 as feed millers increase the ratio of low-cost rice at the expense of corn in compound feed.
Rising feed demand coupled with limited availability and higher prices for protein-rich substitutes is expected to increase China’s soybean imports to a record forecast 100 million metric tons (MMT) in Marketing Year (MY) 22/23.
FAS New Delhi forecasts carabeef (which is derived from the Asian domestic water buffalo) and beef (bovine) production to rise in 2022 to approximately 4.5 million metric tons (MMT), an increase of nearly seven percent from the market year (MY) 2021 estimate of 4.2 million metric tons.
This report contains FAS-Nur-Sultan’s production estimates for MY2021/22 and trade estimates for MY2022/23.
Turkey’s production of chicken meat in 2022 is projected higher, in large part because of anticipated strong export demand from neighboring countries and China.
Mexico’s corn, wheat, and sorghum production in marketing year (MY) 2022/23 are forecast marginally lower than the previous year due to rising input costs, reduced government support, and expected adverse weather conditions from La Nina.
This report outlines Moroccan government requirements for the importation of food and agricultural products for human and animal consumption. The report aims to assist U.S. exporters by providing an assessment of laws and requirements for food and agricultural products imposed on imports. It also provides points of contact for key Moroccan government authorities.
The Burmese Government published new labeling requirements for prepackage food on January 20, 2022. An unofficial translation of the original order is attached to this report.