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Australia is expected to produce another big grain crop in marketing year (MY) 2022/23 after a record setting winter crop and strong summer crop production in MY 2021/22. Another favorable set of conditions around the time of winter grain planting across most production regions of Australia bodes well for another big planted area of wheat and barley for MY 2022/23.
In market year (MY) 2022/23, cotton area harvested is forecast to increase 14 percent to 97,000 hectares (ha), from 85,000 ha in MY 2021/22. Post estimates MY 2022/23 production at 320,000 bales compared to 280,000 bales in MY 2021/22.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has provided notice that CFIA will modernize the approach for import requirements for pet chews made from animal products and by-products.
On April 1, Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) announced tariff-rate quota (TRQ) volumes for dairy products that will be open during Japanese Fiscal Year (JFY) 2022 (April to March). The announcement includes quotas for...
For marketing year (MY) 2022/23 Post projects a recovery in Argentine soybean planted acreage to 17 million hectares (HA) resulting in 51 million metric tons (MMT) of soybean production as farmers shift acreage out of cereal crops that require more fertilizer. MY 2022/23 sunflowerseed planted acreage is projected up at 2 million HA, with total production estimated at 4 MMT in response to high prices.
Wheat exports in marketing year (MY) 2022/2023 are forecast down at 12.6 million metric tons (MMT), as result of a smaller acreage and lower productivity. Meanwhile, barley exports are projected up at 3.7 MMT, which would be the largest on record.
The Hong Kong government maintains a Food Incident Surveillance System (FISS) to monitor and proactively respond to foreign food incidents that could impact food products entering Hong Kong. In 2021, the CFS detected around 2,200 food incidents from the FISS.
Private sugar mill expansion and higher rainfall as a result of La Nina weather patterns are expected to increase sugarcane yields, leading to increased sugar production in 2022/23. Despite the expected increase in production, imports of raw sugar are also forecast to increase, mainly due to higher sugar demand from the growing food and beverage industry.
Sugar production in Venezuela for MY 2022/23 is forecast to increase by 39% to 265,000 MT. The increase is primarily due to yield gains as a result of better access to quality inputs and a reduction in diesel shortages, as well as more favorable prices for producers.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreaks have already led to the culling of 15 million poultry birds in France (approximately 5 percent of the total poultry flock). Dozens of new cases are being discovered every day. The new variant of the HPAI H5N1 virus appears to be highly transmissible and is spreading rapidly through reproductive flocks of broilers, ducks and egg laying hens.
An increasing number of Korean customers are making values-based consumption decisions. Korean customers are willing to pay more for eco-friendly products.
The long-awaited EU proposed list of antimicrobial products reserved for human medicine has been published for comment through May 17, 2022. This Commission Implementing Regulation is part of the implementation legislation for the Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation (EU) 2019/6, which was implemented on January 28, 2022.