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Attaché Report (GAIN)

El Salvador: Retail Foods

The retail sector in El Salvador has remained strong and stable, with new outlets opening and new online shopping options. Super Selectos is the largest supermarket chain, followed by Walmart which in January 2022 announced it is considering the sale of its outlet stores in El Salvador. Imports of U.S. consumer-oriented products reached a record-high of $267 million in 2021.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Food Processing Ingredients

The French food processing sector encompasses approximately 15,500 companies ranging from small family-owned businesses to some of the world’s largest multinationals. Widely regarded for global leadership in innovative technology, quality and marketing, French food processing companies provide employment to more than 433,000 people, generating $53 billion in export sales.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

El Salvador: Coffee Annual

El Salvador’s coffee production is expected to reach 639,000 sixty-kg bags in marketing year (MY) 2021/22. The Salvadoran coffee sector continues to struggle mainly due to low international prices, climate change, continued coffee leaf rust, and a lack of a long-term strategy that has hindered investment at the farm level. The MY2022/23 crop is forecast to slightly decrease to 619,000 sixty-kg bags.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

El Salvador: Sugar Annual

Improving international prices have eased the financial pressure exerted by the COVID-19 pandemic on the sugar sector, but inflationary concerns have led the government to include sugar among the products with import duties reduced to zero percent for a one-year period.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Exporter Guide

In 2020, French food and agricultural imports from the United States reached $1.32 billion. While exporting to France is complicated, there are many opportunities for U.S. suppliers.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreaks have already led to the culling of 15 million poultry birds in France (approximately 5 percent of the total poultry flock). Dozens of new cases are being discovered every day. The new variant of the HPAI H5N1 virus appears to be highly transmissible and is spreading rapidly through reproductive flocks of broilers, ducks and egg laying hens.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

El Salvador: Food Processing Ingredients

El Salvador’s food manufacturing sector has kept a fast pace in terms of increasing production levels. Food manufacturers took the challenging environment caused by the pandemic as an opportunity to evolve and add new items to their food lines.
This report provides initial analysis and a courtesy translation of El Salvador’s Transitory Law to Combat Price Inflation in Basic Products, published March 11, 2022, with an import duties comparison added for reference.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

France has no commercial production or field trials of genetically engineered (GE) crops. The French livestock industry depends on imported GE products for feed, especially soybean, rapeseed, and corn.
France as a member of the European Community has implemented EU regulations for the import of animal and plant products.
France, as a member of the European Union (EU), generally follows EU directives, regulations, and obligations. This report focuses on food laws in force in France that cover areas which are not EU harmonized.
Recent French decrees set specific targets for reducing single-use plastic package waste by 2025, including a mandate for reusing packaging, starting 1 January 2022. The decrees are based on the Circular Economy and Fight Against Waste Law which ultimately seeks to ban all plastic packaging by 2040.