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In marketing year (MY) 2023/24, FAS Santiago (Post) estimates table grape production will increase by 13.6 percent, totaling 740,000 metric tons (MT) due to abundant rainfall and high yields.
This report provides an overview of Chile’s current Sanitary Regulation for Food Products (RSA by its name in Spanish), as well as any other regulation with the potential of disrupting food trade. Since the last version of this report in 2022, Chile...
In marketing year (MY) 2023, milk price is experiencing an increasing trend due to the low milk supply and high demand for dairy. In Chile, most processing plants produce fluid milk and cheese, very few produce yoghurt, whey, condensed milk, or other value-added dairy products.
In 2022, Chile's foodservice industry is significantly different from that of 2019. The pandemic prompted many changes, with the advancement of online ordering and home delivery.
In marketing year (MY) 2023/24, Post estimates walnut production to increase by 3.1 percent and reach 198,000 metric tons (MT).
This report gives an overview of the food service – hotel, restaurant, and institutional sectors in Italy and outlines current market trends, including best product prospects.
Chilean cherry area planted reached 61,599 hectares (ha) in marketing year (MY) 2022/23. Post projects that MY 2023/24 cherry production will reach 500,000 metric tons (MT), which represents a 6.6 percent increase over MY 2022/23.
Raisin production in Chile relies almost exclusively on table grape production that does meet quality levels for fresh exports. It also became a profitable alternative for orchards with traditional table grape varieties that are facing low prices in international markets.
In 2022, the Chilean retail food industry witnessed a robust recovery, with total sales reaching approximately $29.5 billion, a 20.9 percent over 2021. Supermarkets and grocery stores remained the primary retail channels for food products, accounting for around 55.5 percent of the market share.
This report gives an overview of the Italian food retail and distribution sectors and outlines current market trends, including best product prospects.
Chile is the second-largest South American market for U.S. agricultural products. Solid political institutions and a stable macroeconomic environment, combined with high consumer purchasing power, make Chile a lucrative market for U.S. producers of wheat, cheese, pet food, alcoholic beverages, and other consumer-oriented products.
In MY 2022/23, FAS Santiago estimates lemon production will increase by 26.4 percent and total 172,000 MT (metric tons) due to favorable climatic conditions. Lemon exports will increase by 33.9 percent and reach 75,000 MT due to higher productions and a decrease in freight costs.