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Taiwan is going through an unprecedented phase of high-end wine consumption growth, placing the United States as the second largest foreign supplier by value. Being the U.S. wine’s sixth largest valuable Asian market, Taiwan achieved its outsized impact for purchasing high-end U.S. wine.
This report provides trade data on Vietnam's monthly rice exports by grade and destination and weekly export quotes for rice by grade.
Post projects 2023 Argentine chicken meat production at 2.38 million metric tons, up very slightly from 2022 levels, while 2023 exports are projected at 190,000 tons, up 4 percent from 2022. Argentine exporters have gained new export opportunities as a result of trade disruptions stemming from the conflict in Ukraine, and these gains are expected to be maintained in the short term.
This report highlights notable household consumption for meat products among Japanese consumers and the strong preference for home-meals during the global pandemic. Recent data released from The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries announced the breakdown of meat consumption (by setting and use) in 2020.
Rice export prices remain unchanged as the further weakening of the Thai baht offset increased domestic rice prices.
The 2022/23 harvested area estimate is reduced significantly due to the recent flooding in key production areas of Sindh and southern Punjab. As a result, the 2022/23 production forecast is lowered 19.4 percent to 5 million bales. To replace the expected decline in domestic output, the 2022/23 import forecast is increased to 5.8 million bales.
Estimated cotton imports for marketing year (MY) 22/23 are reduced to 2.2 million metric tons (MMT) on high carry-in stocks and higher domestic production. MY 22/23 production is increased to 6 MMT on higher yields in Xinjiang. China’s slowing economy and weak domestic demand reduced cotton use in MY 21/22 to 8 MMT and lowered imports to 1.76 MMT.
In 2021, Taiwan production of forage crops accounted for 45 percent of demand. Taiwan imports approximately 300,000 tons of forage products annually to supplement domestic production, which is constrained by limited farmland and suitable climate conditions.
Post projects Ukraine’s walnut production decreasing to 95,500 metric tons (MT) for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 based on a combination of suboptimal weather conditions and some production areas in Russian occupied areas. Exports were slow for two consecutive marketing years (MY) in a row: MY2020/21 – because of quality issues and administrative barriers by Turkey; and MY2021/22 – due to constrained logistics stemming from Russia’s invasion.
Sri Lanka’s market year (MY) 2021/2022 (October-September) rough rice production of 2.57 million metric tons (MMT) was sharply lower, severely disrupted by the Sri Lankan government’s banning of chemical fertilizer imports.
Japan's decline in farmland, combined with a shortage of agricultural labor, changes in consumer diets, and the opening of the Japanese market, have boosted imports of many agricultural products. This report looks at the long terms trends in production area and agricultural production in Japan, and its impact on agricultural trade.
On August 3-5, 2022, the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) presented the 2022 EU apple and pear crop forecast at the 47th edition of the Prognosfruit convention. WAPA forecasts the 2022 EU fresh apples crop at 12.2 million metric tons (MT), 1.3 percent above the 2021 harvest and nine percent higher than the average of the preceding three years.