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Malaysia again extended the subsidy for the poultry industry until December 2022 to stabilize the price of whole chicken (processed and sold with head, feet, and organs) and eggs, as stated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MAFI) on Sunday, October 9, 2022. In total, Government of Malaysia (GOM) allocations for chicken and egg subsidies from February to December 2022 will amount to RM1.233 billion (USD$265.16 million).
On September 26, 2022, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare/Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) issued a clarification notice to its earlier notification F. No. 1829/Health Certificate/FSSAI/Imports (2021). The FSSAI clarification notice is in response to World Trade Organization (WTO) members having commented on the FSSAI Order of August 8, 2022, referencing the earlier FSSAI Notification No. 1829/Health Certificate/FSSAI/Imports (2021), that specify the requirements for health certificates and their format for milk and milk products, pork and pork products, and fish and fish products.
An overview of Basic and Prime Commodities as defined by the Price Act or "An Act Providing Protection to Consumers by Stabilizing the Prices of Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities and by prescribing measures against Undue Price Increases during Emergency Situations and Like Occasions" and tariff and value added tax rates applied to the various food and agricultural products.
On October 13, the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) opened a public comment period for the proposed revision to allergy labeling requirements for walnuts in Japan’s Food Labeling Standards. CAA will accept comments in Japanese through November 12, 2022.
In MY 2022/23 Bulgaria expects to harvest a sunflower crop of 2-2.1 million metric tons (MMT), on par with the previous season. Despite optimistic expectations early in the season based on higher area planted and favorable weather, average yields have been affected by the summer drought and heat, along with higher pest infestation.
China’s estimated MY2021/22 sugar imports and stocks are revised upward, while consumption is revised downward due to low world prices and COVID-related policy impacts. Assuming beet acreage rebounds in Inner Mongolia, the MY2022/23 sugar production remains forecasted at 10 MMT.
The Department of Agriculture (DA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) continue to collaborate on the Renewable Energy Program for the Agriculture and Fisheries Sector (REP AFS) to undertake programs aimed at boosting the country’s energy and food security.
Venezuela's economic recovery continues, strengthening Venezuelans' purchasing power and consumption. As a result, in marketing year (MY) 2022/23 wheat consumption is revised up 4 percent compared to USDA's official forecast, while imports will increase to 1.3 million MT. The United States remains the largest supplier of hard red winter wheat to Venezuela.
Irrigation water limitations in the Guadalquivir basin resulted in lower area planted to cotton for MY 2022/23 and a significant drop in yields. Cotton production has also been negatively affected by pest incidence. Industry sources argue that Spanish farmers should be eligible for cotton specific support despite the reduction in yields.
Post increased its forecast for soybean planted area to 42.8 million hectares for 2021/22, up previously from 42.5 million hectares. Brazil continues to expand its area due to record high domestic soybean prices. Post forecasts a record harvest at 148.5 million metric tons (MMT), increased from 144 MMT previously with planting starting earlier this year as well.
This report provides the latest update regarding developments in Vietnam’s Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional (HRI) food service sector and provides a road map for exporters wishing to enter the market. Vietnam’s HRI market continued to be hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in a 21 percent decline in revenue from $20.7 billion in 2020 to $16.3 billion in 2021.
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (known as the Fødevarestyrelsen) has announced Denmark will lift its temporary ban on keeping mink as of January 1, 2023. The ban had initially been imposed for 2020/2021 for the sake of public health during the coronavirus pandemic and was later extended to include 2022.