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Ethiopia’s Ten-Year Development Plan (2021-2030) identifies sustained and quality agriculture programs to accelerate economic progress and ensure national food security as its national strategy. The development of small and large-scale irrigation infrastructure in the Ethiopian lowlands has recently been given increasing due attention by the GOE - among other contributing factors like improved seed, fertilizer supply, and use of mechanization on the clustered wheat farms.
This report summarizes the results of the 2022 German deciduous and stone fruit tree census and focuses on developments in the planted varieties of apples and pears. Since the 2017 census, total planted area decreased by 1.45 percent, and 9.2 percent of German fruit farms ended operations.
From September 6-8, 2022, the Agricultural Trade Office (ATO) in Hong Kong hosted the strongest national pavilion at Restaurant and Bar, one of the largest food trade shows in Hong Kong. Seven U.S. exhibitors showcased their quality products to over 8,000 trade visitors.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has adversely impacted the global economy, and Egypt too has felt the wave of effects. Russia’s war on Ukraine has relentlessly disrupted international trade of grains and soybeans as well as other commodities pounding a global economy that had since been improving robustly from the COVID-19 pandemic.
This report outlines Libyan government requirements for the importation of food and agricultural products for human and animal consumption. The report aims to assist U.S. exporters by providing an assessment of laws and requirements for food and agricultural products imposed on imports. There is no U.S. representation located inside Libya, and definitive regulatory information is limited.
FAS-Astana forecasts no significant change to wheat and barley planted area for marketing year (MY) 2022/2023. After production declined due to hot and dry weather last MY, wheat production in MY 2022/2023 rebounded to an estimated 14.5 million metric tons (MMT).
Nigeria wheat millers are diversifying their sources of wheat import due to the Russia-Ukraine crisis. FAS Lagos (Post) estimates wheat imports for MY 2022/23 at 6 million metric ton (MMT), a 3 percent reduction from last year’s Post estimate. Meanwhile, insurgency and floods in the northern part of the country greatly impacted corn and rice production respectively.
Even as Mexico's consumers face high core and food inflation, post sees both overall dairy production and imports rising in 2023. Mexico’s milk and cheese production is forecast to rise in 2023 due to increased investments in dairy operations in key producing areas.
This report provides U.S. food and agriculture exporters information on how to do business with the Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional (HRI) sector in Panama. This sector contributes significantly to Panama’s economy and is driven by international tourism.
Algeria is one of the leading consumers and importers of dry milk powder worldwide. The government has prioritized improving Algeria’s dairy domestic production to reduce reliance on imports. In line with this strategy, Algeria imported less milk powder in CY2021.
This report covers food and agricultural import regulations and standards in the United Arab Emirates. U.S. agricultural suppliers are advised to consult with local importers prior to shipping to verify application of this tax on their products.
On October 10, 2022, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare/Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) issued Order F. No. TIC-B02/2/2022-IMPORTS-FSSAI. The FSSAI order requires the mandatory registration with the competent authority of jurisdiction of the country of export, of all foreign food manufacturing facilities intent on exporting milk and milk products; meat and meat products; egg powder; infant food; and nutraceuticals to India.