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Mexican fresh deciduous fruit production faces challenges in marketing year (MY) 2020/21 due to adverse weather.
In marketing year (MY) 2020/21, Turkey’s total apple crop is expected to increase to 4.3 million metric tons (MMT) and the pear crop to 550,000 MT, according to the Turkish Statistics Institute.
The production of apples, pears and table grapes is forecast to increase marginally in the 2020/21 Marketing Year (MY), based on increases in area planted, normal weather conditions...
Apples are one of the most popular and affordable fruits in Russia and with domestic production forecast to decline, imports will rebound in the 2020/2021 MY.
In marketing year (MY) 2020/21 (July-June), FAS Seoul projects Korea’s pear production to decrease by 20 percent (to 160,000 MT) mainly due to reduced planted area and unfavorable weather conditions..
For MY 2020/21, apple production is forecast steady at 570,000 MT while pears rise 10,000 MT to 610,000 MT. Exports are estimated to decrease to 110,000 MT for apples and 320,000 MT for pears...
EU commercial apple production in marketing year (MY) 2020/21 is estimated at 10.8 MMT, a 2 percent decrease compared to the previous year.
In the winter of MY2020/21 rainfall was abundant, especially in the month of June and climatic conditions during the spring have been favorable, thus fruit producers are expecting higher production...
Peru’s grape production and exports continued to grow during 2020, despite the economic recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
China’s apple and pear production is forecast at 40.5 MMT and 16 MMT, respectively, in MY 2020/21, due largely to frost damage during flowering.
New Zealand is forecast to produce a near record apple crop in 2020/2021 as a result of expanded area and positive growing conditions so far.
In MY 2019/2020, the United States was the leading supplier of apple exports to Taiwan, valued at $78 million and accounting for 31 percent market share.