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In August 2021, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) released an updated National Food Safety Standard Restricting Excessive Packaging for Foods and Cosmetics (GB 23350-2021).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Updated Phytosanitary Certificates WTO Notified

On April 14, 2023, China notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO) under G/SPS/N/CHN/1278 two updated phytosanitary certificate templates. These are the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Phytosanitary Certificate and the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Phytosanitary Certificate for Re-Export.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Sugar Annual

MY 2022/23 cane sugar production is estimated at 7.92 MMT, revised down 1.08 MMT from the USDA official estimate due to lower-than-normal rainfall in Guangxi, China’s largest sugar producing province. Sugar consumption has begun to rebound since after the removal of COVID-related restrictions. As China’s sugar imports are curbed by high world prices, stocks are likely to decline.
The European Union (EU) follows a complex, rolling system of review for active ingredients and Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in food. For agricultural inputs, U.S. farmers must know early in the process of review to prevent or mitigate the loss of, and/or access to, chemical inputs.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Jamaica: Sugar Annual

Post forecasts Jamaica’s sugar production down eight percent to 36,000 metric tons (MT) for marketing year (MY) 2023/2024, an outlook that reinforces a trend already underway with past estimates for this waning industry.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Kenya: Sugar Annual

Kenya’s sugar production is expected to decline in MY 2023/24 to 650,000 metric tons (MT) due to lower area harvested as Kenya farmers prematurely harvest sugar cane in MY 2022/23 to meet Kenya’s increasing milling demand.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Paraguay: Grain and Feed Annual

Posts projects Paraguay’s wheat production for marketing year (MY) 2023/2024 to increase to 1.25 million metric tons (MMT), with exports rising to 410,000 MT.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Sugar Annual

FAS Manila forecasts marketing year (MY) 2024 raw sugar production at 1.9 million metric tons (MT). Higher prices encouraged more farmers to plant sugarcane and better fertilization is expected to result in higher production. Post expects limited exports to resume in 2024 given high production and high carryover stocks.
On April 14, 2023, the first outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in pigs in Poland in 2023 was announced. It is the first outbreak since September 2022, detected on a small backyard farm in Dolnoslaskie (Lower Silesia) province.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Venezuela: Sugar Annual

Sugar production in Venezuela is forecast to increase by 13 percent to 300,000 MT in marketing year (MY) 2023/24 due to improved access to quality inputs, a reduction in diesel shortages, and higher prices to producers.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Malaysia: Food Processing Ingredients

The Malaysian food manufacturing and processing industry is an important component of the country’s economic growth and has seen significant development and innovation for shelf stable products as consumer demands increase. This sector includes several multinational corporation facilities as well as a range of local company operations.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

European Union: Grain and Feed Annual

In MY 2023/24, EU’s grain production is anticipated to reach 285 MMT, up from the 267 MMT registered the previous season, when a severe drought pushed yields down. Favorable initial crop development conditions are reported across the EU, although spring rains in the EU’s southwest will be critical to replenish soil moisture and allow for yields to bounce back to average levels.