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Biotech regulation has been virtually non-existent in the Caribbean.
Since the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act (TSRA) was implemented in 2000, the United States has exported nearly $5 billion worth of agricultural products to Cuba.
Amidst the backdrop of lackluster economic performance in the Caribbean, improving economic conditions in advanced economies continue to generate a growing influx of tourists to the Caribbean islands.
Over the past 11 years (2004-2013) U.S. exports to the Caribbean Island Basin of consumer-oriented products and fish products have averaged over 10 percent annual growth.
Biotech regulation has been virtually non-existent in the Caribbean. That may change in the years ahead as twelve Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries move forward with UN Biosafety Frameworks.
U.S. suppliers willing to navigate a detailed set of U.S. regulatory controls related to exporting to Cuba will find that the island is fairly receptive to U.S. products.