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Attaché Report (GAIN)

India: Biofuels Annual

India’s average ethanol blending rate with petroleum for calendar year 2023 is estimated at 11.5 percent. The National Biofuels Policy of India, amended in May 2022, strengthens efforts to increase domestic ethanol output from sugarcane and multi-feed stocks by expediting pace toward blending goals.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: Citrus Semi-annual

Citrus production in MY 2022/23 decreased for all citrus fruits except tangerines due to freezing weather conditions reaching -7 C during the beginning of the orange blossoming period in March 2022.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Citrus Semi-annual

Post has adjusted production numbers for tangerines/mandarins and oranges based on the latest data obtained from the Moroccan citrus industry. MY 2022/23 export figures are revised based on trade to date data.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Thailand: Rice Price - Weekly

Export and domestic rice prices decreased despite the strengthening of the Thai baht.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

European Union: Citrus Semi-annual

In MY 2022/23, European Union (EU) citrus production is projected to amount to 10.4 million metric tons (MMT), 10 percent down from the previous season, especially impacting oranges and lemons, and slightly lower than previous estimations.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ukraine: Grain and Feed Quarterly

This report contains revised production and export forecasts for MY2023/24 by Post
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Zimbabwe: Grain and Feed Annual

Zimbabwe’s corn crop for marketing year 2023/24 is estimated at 1.5 million metric tons. This represents an increase of five percent from the previous marketing year’s crop, mainly due to a normal rainfall season in the northern parts of the country.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Livestock and Poultry Update 2023

FAS Manila lowers 2023 pork production to 925,000 MT on the recent arrival and expansion of African Swine Fever within the top remaining production regions of the Philippines while also lowering imports to 500,000 MT based on trade to-date and high carry-over stocks that are not currently reflected in the balance sheet.
The Dominican Republic, through its Ministry of Industry, Commerce and SME’s (MICM), announced the activation of the CAFTA-DR agricultural safeguard measure for imports of mozzarella cheese from the United States on May 31, 2023.
Morocco notified G/SPS/N/MAR/97 on April 26, 2023. The notification concerns Morocco’s animal feed regulation. Comments are due no later than June 25, 2023. An unofficial translation is included in this report.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: METI to Develop a Separate SAF Target

On May 26, 2023, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) announced plans for SAF introduction and a SAF-focused biofuel target.
Seafood is an important staple in Ghanaian cuisine as it accounts for 60 percent of animal protein intake with an estimated per capita consumption rate of 26 kg. U.S. seafood sales to Ghana recently experienced a boost in sales, however, sustained seafood exports from the U.S. are at risk due to the Government of Ghana’s (GOG) recent announcement to increase the tax 1,573 percent per metric ton on frozen seafood.