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This report lists examples of the major export certificates and other documentation required by the Government of Australia for U.S. exports of food and agricultural products.
FAS Sofia updates its forecasts for Bulgarian production of grain crops in marketing year (MY)2023/24 to 10.5 million metric tons (MMT), based on improving prospects for average yields for wheat, barley, and corn.
China lifted all the Covid-19 control measures in December 2022. Its gradual economic recovery indicates it will resume being an important destination for imported consumer food products.
Amid economic headwinds, Turkey’s retail food sector continues to grow, fueled by a young population of 85 million and a rising middle class.
On July 3, 2023, the Mexican Secretariat of Health proposed changes to the existing NOM-187 published in 2003.
On June 20, 2023, the Government of Canada announced next steps in their sustainable approach to pesticides management. As part of the announcement, Canada will restart the process of evaluating pesticide residue limits for increases, following a pause of this activity since August 2021.
Starting July 13, 2023, a third-party certification issued by accredited certifying bodies will be mandatory to certify maximum sodium levels in processed products listed in Colombian Resolution 2013 of 2020.
FAS Mumbai estimates marketing year (MY) 2023/24 India cotton production at 26 million 480 lb. bales on 12.7 million hectares planted, a decrease from the previous year on the expectation that farmers will shift cotton acreage to higher return crops such as oilseeds and pulses.
From August 5, 2023, Japan will begin to strictly require phytosanitary certificates (PC) for a broad range of previously exempted agricultural imports. This report aims to provide further details of Japan’s new PC requirements.
Sales in the Caribbean retail grocery sector decreased by 1.7 percent in 2022, primarily as the result of closing retail outlets in the French West Indies.
In 2022, the Chilean retail food industry witnessed a robust recovery, with total sales reaching approximately $29.5 billion, a 20.9 percent over 2021. Supermarkets and grocery stores remained the primary retail channels for food products, accounting for around 55.5 percent of the market share.
Singapore’s food retail sector is highly developed and competitive. The industry is comprised of a range of large supermarkets/hypermarkets, convenience stores, “mom and pop” traditional stores, and specialty retailers.