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World Production, Markets, and Trade Report

Stone Fruit: World Markets and Trade

This annual report, generally published in September, includes data on U.S. and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: USJTA Treatment for Fresh Fruit 2023

The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA) entered Year 5 of the agreement implementation on April 1, 2023. This report is one in a series of product briefs highlighting the tariff benefits for specific commodities and products from Year 5 (2023) to Year 7 (2025) of the Agreement.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: USJTA Treatment for Fruit Juice and Jams 2023

The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA) entered Year 5 of the agreement implementation on April 1, 2023. This report is one in a series of product briefs highlighting the tariff benefits for specific commodities and products from Year 5 (2023) to Year 7 (2025) of the Agreement.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: USJTA Treatment for Frozen and Dried Fruit 2023

The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA) entered Year 5 of the agreement implementation on April 1, 2023. This report is one in a series of product briefs highlighting the tariff benefits for specific commodities and products from Year 5 (2023) to Year 7 (2025) of the Agreement.
India, the world’s largest rice exporter, disrupted global rice markets by banning white rice exports in July 2023, before placing an export tax on parboiled rice exports in August 2023.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Brazil: Government of Brazil Raises Tariffs on Dairy Products

Brazil’s Executive Management Committee (Gecex) of the Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex) increased import tariffs for three dairy products and reversed the unilateral 10% reduction in the Common External Tariff (CET) for 29 other dairy products.
Following the establishment of “Green Food System Strategy” in May 2021, Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) implemented certification systems to incentivize farmers, foresters, fishermen, and related businesses to undertake activities to reduce their environmental impact.
Changes to UK alcohol tax rates were implemented on August 1, 2023. The UK government calls this an alcohol duty, but it is an excise tax charged at the point of production or importation of drinks of alcoholic strength exceeding 1.2 percent alcohol by volume (ABV) – the percentage of pure alcohol per liter of product.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

European Union: Livestock and Products Annual

Both EU beef and pork production are trending down to record lows in 2023 and 2024.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Saudi Arabia: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional

U.S. exports of consumer-oriented food products to Saudi Arabia increased 23 percent over the past year to a record $656 million due to expansions in online shopping platforms.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Uruguay: Livestock and Products Annual

Uruguayan beef exports in 2024 are forecast slightly up at 467,000 tons carcass weight equivalent as a result of a projected larger beef output with a marginal increase in the domestic demand.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Thailand: Rice Price - Weekly

Thailand’s domestic and export prices dropped 1-3 percent in response to reduced demand and a further weakening of the Thai baht.