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Eager to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind it, the Caribbean is doing all it can to attract visitors and kick-start its tourism sector in 2021.
Caribbean imports of consumer-oriented products shrunk from $2.3 billion in 2019 to $2.1 billion in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet Caribbean retail grocery sales grew by an estimated 6 percent during the same period.
In MY 2020/21, cotton production is estimated at 1.4 million 480 lb. bales, down 16.4 percent from the previous season due to a decrease in area planted, unfavorable weather conditions during harvest, and average yields.
This report is written for U.S. companies interested in doing business in Greece. It contains information on the economic situation, consumer buying patterns, and strategies for market entry.
After exporting a record-high $1.1 billion in consumer-oriented agricultural products to the Caribbean in 2019, U.S. suppliers saw the COVID-19 pandemic take a toll on Caribbean demand...
This report provides updated contact information for Greece and gives an overview of Greek food laws in the EU context.
Greece, as a member of the European Union, follows EU directives and regulations.
The Caribbean tourism industry and the hotel/restaurant food service sector have been significantly impacted in both the near and long-term as a result of COVID-19.
In MY 2019/20, cotton production is estimated at 1.67 million bales, up 18.8 percent from the previous season due to significant area increase, favorable weather conditions during harvest...
In Greece, there are over 15,000 enterprises engaged in food processing, producing goods valued at approximately $11 billion.
EU-27+UK chicken meat production is expected to increase slightly again in 2020 driven by both domestic and export demand.
Many Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Member States have undertaken efforts to comply with their obligations under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) to the Convention on Biological Diversity....