Saudi Arabia: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   SA2022-0002

The Saudi Grains Organization (SAGO) projects domestic wheat production at 700,000 metric tons (MT) in MY 2021/2022, up approximately 17 percent from USDA’s official estimate of 600,000 MT. Experts anticipate local domestic wheat production could reach 1 million metric tons (MMT) in MY 2022/2023 to offset expected import delays from Russia and Ukraine as a result of the ongoing war. Meanwhile, total Saudi feed barley consumption was estimated at 5.4 MMT in MY 2021/2022 due to a rough production season. As for corn, domestic production has been consistent over the past several years, but this past year, the United States was the second largest exporter of corn to Saudi Arabia with a 24% market share. Post estimates rice consumption at 1.4 MMT in MY 2022/2023, which is up from 1.3 MMT from the previous year. The United States is the third largest exporter of rice with 8% market share.

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