Japan: Poultry and Products Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan will post new records for broiler meat production, consumption, and importation in 2015 as poultry sales outpace relatively higher priced pork and beef in both the retail and food service sectors. Raw broiler imports from Thailand resumed in 2014 and continued to pick up steam in 2015, displacing a significant volume of prepared poultry product imports as well as some raw broiler imports from Brazil. The expansion of imports from Thailand is expected to continue through 2016, however poultry products will face stiffer competition from chilled pork as ample supplies of Japanese and imported pork put significant downward pressure on price offers. Relatively small imports of U.S. poultry should recover in the last quarter of 2015, as Japan begins to remove highly pathogenic avian influenza-related bans on U.S. poultry producing states.

Japan: Poultry and Products Annual



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