Japan: Japan 255th Food Safety Group

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   JA2023-0039

Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) proposed revisions to Japan’s maximum residue levels for 6 agricultural chemicals (Bifenthrin, Flutolanil, Inpyrfluxam, Picarbutrazox, Pyribencarb, Sethoxydim) for various agricultural commodities. MHLW also proposed to designate zinc oxide as an exempted substance for an MRL establishment. In addition, MHLW proposed the draft of the "10th edition of the Official Compilation of Food Additives", which will revise specification and standards of foods and food additives. Interested U.S. parties should submit their comments to PlantDivision@usda.gov for plant products and to TFAA.FAS.AnimalDivision@usda.gov for animal products by May 5, 2023.

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