Japan: Grain and Feed Update

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   JA2024-0047
FAS/Tokyo estimates lower wheat and barley production in Marketing Year (MY)2024/25 from the previous year as unfavorable weather conditions and disease outbreak have reduced yields in main production regions. Due to decreased production, Post forecasts an increase in wheat imports in MY2024/25. Post estimates higher rice production in MY2024/25 on better yields and quality compared to last year. FAS/Tokyo projects a decrease in MY2024/25 rice consumption as rising prices are expected to weaken demand for table rice and for feed. FAS/Tokyo forecasts higher corn imports in MY2024/25 based on the projected increase in overall feed demand and corn use in feed rations. FAS/Tokyo projects a marginal decrease in feed demand for barley and wheat in MY2024/25 due to anticipated increase of corn-in-feed-rations.

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