Israel: Retail Foods 2017

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

There are some 2.49 million households in Israel, averaging 3.3 persons. The annual average household food expenditure (including fresh fruits and vegetables) in 2016 reached $8,429. Large food retail chains have their own purchasing or importing division to handle food imports. Major supermarkets are now importing directly from foreign suppliers to reduce costs. Over 61 percent of consumers buy their food at supermarkets. Israel has passed a number of regulations concerning food consumption. The Protection of Public Health Regulations (Food),"known as the "Cornflakes Law,” opens up the food import market to importers that do not have direct contact with foreign food manufacturers. The Protection of Public Health Regulations (Food) (Nutritional Labeling encourages healthier food consumption (effective January 2020).

Israel: Retail Foods 2017

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