Israel: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   IS2023-0003

FAS Tel Aviv (Post) forecasts Israel’s wheat imports to reach 1.70 million metric tons (MMT) in marketing year (MY) 2023/24, a 2.8 percent decrease from Post’s MY 2022/23 figure. In MY 2022/23, U.S. wheat accounted for 2.2 percent of the market, down 28.5 percent from the previous year; this was mainly due to kosher certifications during the Jewish sabbatical year. Post forecasts Israel’s imports of corn in MY 2023/24 to reach 1.7 MMT, of which 80 thousand metric tons (TMT) are expected to be of U.S. origin. Israel’s imports of grain and feed will likely remain stable with a slight annual increase of 2 percent to match annual population growth. Soaring grain prices were of high concern to the local feed industry and users. Some feed prices grew by 33 percent, driving the industry to source cheaper products. Long operational queues at the seaports led to delays for weeks for offloading vessels, which created additional price increases and uncertainty in supply. The uncertainty of supplies from the BSB (Black S

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