India: Health Certificate Requirements of Milk for Milk, Pork and Fish Imports

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   IN2022-0069

On August 3, 2022, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare/Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) issued notification F. No. 1829/Health Certificate/FSSAI/Imports (2021). The FSSAI notification, effective November 1, 2022, requires that all milk and milk products; pork and pork products; and fish and fish products, imported into India to be accompanied with a health certificate issued by the competent authority of the exporting country in the format published in the FSSAI notification as Annexure-I. The FSSAI health certificate requirement for the aforementioned food and agricultural products has not been notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The intent of this new measure is interpreted as being trade restrictive; specifically requiring duplication of certificates.

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