India: India's Buyers' Sweet Success at Chicago's NRA and Sweets and Snacks Expo

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   IN2023-0056

FAS New Delhi (Post) for the first time participated in the National Restaurant Association (NRA) Trade show and Sweets and Snacks Expo (SSE) 2023, leading a delegation of major Indian buyers. The USDA/FAS sponsored buyer delegation is reporting that attendance at the NRA and SSE trade shows resulted in over $75,000 in immediate, on the spot sales; and $1.2 million in new U.S. food product sales over the next 12-months. The Indian delegation met with over 120 U.S. exhibitors in more than 150 business-to-business meetings facilitated by FAS New Delhi staff. It is critical to have Post staff in attendance to assist with the introductions and highlight the credibility of the participating delegates as potential trade partners.

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