Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Wonton - Volume 3 Issue 10

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   HK2023-0017

Bite size local news, Post reports and activity summaries wrapped by ATO Hong Kong. In this issue: USA Pavilion Dazzles at HOFEX 2023; Hong Kong Reports Q1 GDP Rebound; Golden Week Holiday in May surpasses Hong Kong and Macau Government Expectations; Despite the Mild Relaxation on Consumer Price, Pressure Still Remains; There is Potential for Non-Gaming Investment in Macau; Unemployment Rate in Hong Kong Drops Slightly in Q1; Macau Hotel Group First Quarter Revenues Reached 84 Percent of Pre-Pandemic Level; Hong Kong First Quarter Restaurant Receipts Up Over 80 Percent Year-on-Year; Hong Kong Retail Sales Soar 41 Percent to a 35-Year Record; “Polluter Pays” Principle in Effect for Glass Beverage Containers.

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