Hong Kong: Hong Kong to Implement New Raw Meat and Poultry Import Protocol

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   HK2024-0051
On August 13, the Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety (CFS) confirmed to ATO Hong Kong that effective February 14, 2025, the Special Autonomous Region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will transition from a “systems-based” approach to recognizing foreign meat and poultry establishments to an “establishment or plant-based” registration system. Under the new import protocol, U.S. slaughtering, cutting, processing and cold storage facilities seeking to export raw meat and poultry products to Hong Kong must be registered with CFS prior to export. U.S. slaughtering, cutting, processing, and cold storage facilities are encouraged to review the CFS list of U.S. establishments (link provided in this report) to verify all company information is current and accurate. Registration is only required for raw meat and poultry products. Cooked and further processed products (ham, bacon, sausages, canned meat) are not subject to the new import protocol requirements.

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