Egypt: Oilseeds and Products Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   EG2021-0006

Marketing year 2019/20 was another record year for U.S.-origin soybean exports to Egypt. The United States, with 3.83 MMT, was Egypt’s largest supplier of soybeans as Egypt’s crushing industry continued to expand. Egypt’s soybean imports in marketing year (MY) 2021/22 (October-September) are forecast at 4.6 million metric tons (MMT), up 200,000 MT from the MY 2020/21 estimate. Soybean meal consumption in MY 2021/22 is forecast at 3.9 million metric tons. Soybean oil consumption is forecast at 1.03 MMT, up 1.98 percent from the MY 2020/21 estimate. FAS Cairo forecasts Egypt’s soybean, sunflower, and palm oil consumption for food and industrial use in MY 2021/22 at about 2.63 MMT, up 2.33 percent compared to the MY 2020/21 volume of 2.57 million metric tons. From MY 2016/17 to MY 2019/20, Egyptian imports of Palm oil, Sunflower oil and Soy oil accounted for 5.18 MMT. During this period, Palm oil imports accounted for 3.27 MMT, Sunflower imports were 1.14 MMT followed by soybean oil imports at 700,000 MT

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