Cote d'Ivoire: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Production for MY 2018/19 is projected at 1.45 million metric tons (MMT) based on minor increases to both area and yield. Since 2008, Côte d’Ivoire has pursued policies to become self-sufficient and eventually a regional exporter, but remains a major importer of milled rice from various Asian suppliers. MY 2018/19 imports are projected at 1.3 MMT. Import demand is expected to continue rising steadily in the short term to account for population growth and shifts from traditional staples. Overall, Post is recommending downward revisions to import and consumption figures based upon previously unaccounted transshipments to neighboring countries and informal trade of domestic paddy rice across borders. U.S. rice exports to the region struggle to compete with Asian suppliers, particularly in recent years as low-priced Chinese exports entered the market.  

Cote d'Ivoire: Grain and Feed Annual

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